One chance to make a first impression & stand out - Stage it!

Capture the imagination of potential buyers.  We can transform, elevate and enhance your interiors to make your space stand out in a crowded marketplace.

As a homeowner, you may be looking to love your home again.  Through design inspiration and styling tips, we will help you to create a space that is a unique reflection of your true style. If selling your house, our styling will help you to broaden your market reach and shorten your sale time.

We work with homeowners, agents, landlords and property developers to maximise appeal and return on investment.

Why Stage?

Staging can increase a property’s value by 8% on average

Staged homes sell in half the time of non-staged homes

Buyers spend 10 times longer looking at a well staged house online

87% of buyers and agents say a staged property makes it easier to visualise the property as a future home

Staging facts courtesy of Home Staging Association

Enhance your interiors, capture your audience, minimise your stress